LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas AD
LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas AD

Special assessment of workplace conditions


The enterprise pays great attention to industrial safety. The provision of safe working conditions for the employees, as well as protection of personnel and population living in the refinery operation areas are priority for LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas.

The company operations comply with the requirements of applicable international standards. An industrial, labour and environmental safety management system has been introduced and is fully functional at the enterprise.

The provision of decent working conditions for its employees is one of the major tasks implemented in LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas within the framework of the effective Health, Safety and Environment Management System.

The efforts in the area of workplace conditions improvement are based on the results of the risk assessment done in compliance with the Safe and Healthy Working Conditions Act of 23.12.1997 and Ordinance No 5 on the procedure, methodology and frequency of risk assessment of 11.05.1999.

In the process of performing the necessary actions all workplaces and all employees of LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas АД have been assessed.

The “acceptable” risk calculation for the refinery workplaces is based on risk elements: injury probability and severity, exposure time. Protective measures have been developed for each workplace, and, for the enterprise as a whole – Risk Prevention, Mitigation, Restriction and Control Program. Risk mitigation actions implementation is inspected every year. The enterprise continuously controls the compliance with the labour safety requirements in line with the performed risk inspections.