LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas AD
LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas AD

Social Responsibility

The most valuable asset of LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas is its employees, who help the company in achieving high results. The maintenance of strong motivation, creative team environment, healthy moral and psychological climate and confidence in the future plays a major role in the development of corporate culture.

Actions aimed at improvement of working conditions, the numerous training programs and professional development, the income policy and the wide range of social benefits and guarantees, make LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas one of the most attractive employers in Bulgaria.

Long-term social partnership with the Syndicate of Bulgarian Petrochemists LUKOIL has created lasting traditions in holding cultural, sports and tourism events, contributing for the maintenance of employees' health and performance capabilities.

Continuity is a key factor for LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas employees. The Council of Veterans Petrochemists (CVP) and Young Specialists Council (YSC), established in 2003, keep and pass down the values and traditions of the enterprise from generation to generation.

A social package has been developed for LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas personnel, ensuring high standard of living and beneficial environment, improvement of labour conditions. Social benefits include: transport provision and free dining; additional voluntary pension insurance; material support to women for birth and raising a child; prophylactic medical examinations; additional remuneration for length of service and experience, for working during the night and on weekends and public holidays; provision of funds for recreation and short-term vacations on all resorts in the Republic of Bulgaria.

For the purposes of health preservation and provision of social protection for the employees and their families, Industrial accident and Medical and Life risk insurances are maintained, covering the costs of hospital and outpatient treatment, medical examinations and laboratory analysis.